Purchasing a Puppy from Newman Goldens:


Process to reserve a puppy:

  1. First, contact us either by phone (304-712-6029 or 304-573-9672) or by email (info@NewmanGoldens.com) to let us know which litter you are interested in and to tell us a little about the home you will provide for one of our puppies.
  2. Once we have agreed to place a puppy with you, you can reserve your puppy by making the deposit (amount determined by which litter you've chosen) online via PayPal or by mail. The deposit is fully refundable until the puppy is 4 weeks of age once another buyer for the puppy has been secured. Cancellation after 4 weeks will result in forfeiture of the deposit.


Picking up your puppy:

  • Your puppy will be ready to go to his/her new home once he/she turns 8 weeks of age. We will contact everyone on the waiting list after the first vet visit and schedule appointments for pickup during the first weekend after the puppies turn 8 weeks. Please keep this in mind when planning to take a puppy home.
  • You will pick your puppy out and take him/her home the same day. Appointments will be scheduled in the order that we received the deposits.
  • Full payment is required before your puppy goes home.
  • Please bring a crate with you to take your puppy home in.
  • We will provide you with enough puppy food to last you for three days. You may begin mixing this with the food you intend to use for your puppy.
  • If an in-person visit is not possible for pickup, we can ship your puppy for an additional fee. Please contact us for more information if you need to ship a puppy.
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James Newman
1096 Bolt Road
Fairdale, WV 25839

© Newman Goldens

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