Newman's Honey Sun "Daisy"

Born: August 23, 2010

Profile: Daisy is an AKC American Golden Retriever.  Being the first Golden our family ever owned, she holds a special place in our hearts. She is a picture of pure affection.  She can get excited and enjoys playing, but where Daisy excels is in her exceptionally sweet temperament.  She is a smaller sized golden, but she makes up for her small body with her large heart. Also, Daisy is very smart. She has a knack for figuring out how to open gate latches and doors. She is an incredibly intelligent Golden and always seems to be thinking. Daisy is a fantastic mother and has produced some wonderful goldens that have been enjoyed by many satisfied pet owners. Although Daisy's pedigree does not contain any champion titled dogs, she is still a very healthy and loving dog.  However, all of Daisy's parents and grandparents on a 5 generation pedigree are AKC registered, so she is a complete purebred.

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James Newman
1096 Bolt Road
Fairdale, WV 25839

© Newman Goldens

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