Newman's Pride and Joy "Sophie"

32 champions on 5-generation pedigree

Born: March 5, 2011

Sire: Multi CH Sweet Anja Charli

  • 12xCAC
  • 10xBOB
  • 6XBest in Dog Gun Group


  • Hip Clearance: OFA GR-101137G32M-NOPI
  • Elbow Clearance: OFA GR-EL22523M27-NOPI
  • Eye Clearance: CERF GR-44185/2011-42

Dam: Desert Sun's Flower of White Dove

  • Hip Clearance: OFA GR-103627G26F-VPI
  • Elbow Clearance: OFA GR-EL24721F26-VPI
  • Eye Clearance: CERF GR-43745/2010--12
  • Heart Clearance: OFA GR-CA18185/14F/P-VPI

Profile: Sophie is absolutely gorgeous.  But don't let her innocent looks deceive you, she can be a fireball of energy at times.  Although, when she's done playing and flirting with Jack, she knows how to enjoy the finer things in life such as sleeping on the best of beds, being the center of attention of whoever she meets, and getting her belly rubbed.  Sophie is multi-international champion sired, and has a loaded pedigree.



Sire's Sire:

"GRAND CH ABSOLUTE CH Multi CH, Int CH, FT CH, CH of Reproduction Erinderry King of the Blues"

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James Newman
1096 Bolt Road
Fairdale, WV 25839

© Newman Goldens

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